Jesus Christ

God's Son, Savior

To fully know Jesus you must admit that you have at some point known the right thing to do but have failed to do it. Who among us has not done that! This action or lack of action is referred to as sin and sin has a high price - eternal separation from God. Our only hope is in Jesus. Believe that Jesus paid sin's price for you by dying on a cross. He died as though your sin was His own. WOW!

Believe that He died for you. Yet that was not the end. Jesus came back to life, making it possible for you to do the same. That is not to say your body will not experience what most of us think of when we hear the word "death," but rather that your spirit will continue to live with a transformed body made possible by your belief in Jesus.

Work at not sinning. Live with Jesus for eternity. You will find that you have much to talk about. So talk about it. Tell others about your experiences. They may want to know Jesus too.

Perhaps you would like to join a local church where you can freely talk to, worship with, and share experiences with others who are on a similar journey. Sisters Baptist Church would welcome your becoming a part of our congregation. As Baptists we believe that one of the first demonstrations of a commitment to living a new life with Jesus is being baptized as Jesus Himself was baptized at the beginning of His public ministry.

Please feel free to contact our church office for answers to any questions you may have as you begin this exciting journey.

Regularly Scheduled Services: Sundays 11:00 AM & 6:00 PM and Wednesdays 7:00 PM

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