Loving God and Loving Others...

  • ...Through Worship

    Sunday Services

    9:30 a.m.
    Sunday School

      • Preschool
        (NB - 5 years)
      • Children
        (1st - 6th grades)
      • Youth
        (7th - 12th grades)
      • Adults
        (18 years old and up)

    10:45 a.m.
    Morning Worship

      • Nursery provided
        (Newborn - 2 years)
      • Children's Church
        (3 - 5 years)

    5:00 p.m.
    Discipleship Training

    6:30 p. m.
    Evening Worship

      • Nursery provided
        (Newborn - 2 years)

    7:45 p.m.
    Adult Choir Rehearsal

    Wednesday Services

    5:30 p.m.
    Preschool/Children’s Choir

    6:00 -7:00 p.m.

    7:00 p.m .
    Mission Friends

    7:00 p.m.
    Children and Youth Bible Studies

    7:00 p.m.
    Prayer Meeting/Bible Study

  • ...Through Faith

    Have you met our Savior? Jesus Christ, fully God and fully man, was born of a virgin. He walked among us experiencing human joys and struggles. As a young man he freely gave himself as a sacrifice for the redemption of all mankind. His grave could not hold Him! He conquered death and ascended to heaven. To know Jesus better please visit His introductory page within our website or contact our church office to meet with someone who can personally introduce you to this One who can change your life forever.

    The Baptist Faith and Message is a summary of what Southern Baptists believe regarding the following topics: The Scriptures, God, Man, Salvation, God's Purpose of Grace, The Church, Baptism and the Lord's Supper, The Lord's Day, The Kingdom, Last Things, Evangelism and Missions, Education, Stewardship, Cooperation, The Christian and the Social Order, Peace and War, Religious Liberty, and The Family. To read this document please download a copy here or visit the website of the Southern Baptist Convention.

  • ...Through Living


    The Staff of Sisters Baptist Church are committed to serving Christ within the church and community in which God has placed them. We are grateful He has chosen to place them with us. Please visit their biography pages for a brief introduction. Freely contact them to discuss how you might join them in serving the One who gave His all for you.


    Newcomers to our community often wonder how Sisters Baptist Church got it's name. Please visit our history page to learn more about our rich heritage and how our building has evolved over the years.

    Constitution and By-laws

    The purpose, mission, denominational policy, covenant, and procedural policies of our local congregation are explicitly laid out in our constitution and by-laws. To learn more about Sisters Baptist Church regarding any or all of these areas you may download a copy of this document here.


Regularly Scheduled Services: Sundays 11:00 AM & 6:00 PM and Wednesdays 7:00 PM

Email issues with this site to webadmin@sistersbaptist.org